Thursday, June 25, 2015

Epilogue to Balzac's Succubus... Advice for Turbulent Times

Epilogue to Balzac’s Succubus
Good Advice for Anytime... Lest you lose your head.

"I quitted the service of the church, and espoused your.

mother, from whom I received infinite blessings, and with

whom I shared my life, my goods, my soul, and all. And she

agreed with me in following precepts —

Firstly, that to live happily, it is necessary to keep far away from church people,

to honour them much without giving them leave to enter

your house, any more than to those who by right, just or

unjust, are supposed to be superior to us.

Secondly, to take a modest condition, and to keep oneself in it without wishing

to appear in any way rich. To have a care to excite no envy,

nor strike any onesoever in any manner, because it is needful

to be as strong as an oak, which kills the plants at its feet, to

crush envious heads, and even then would one succumb,

since human oaks are especially rare and that none of our family

should flatter himself that he is one, granting

that he be one of us.

Thirdly, never to spend more than one quarter of one's income, conceal one's wealth, hide

one's goods and chattels, to undertake no office, to go to

church like other people, and always keep one's thoughts to

oneself, seeing that they belong to you and not to others,

who twist them about, turn them after their own fashion,

and make calumnies therefrom.

Fourthly, always to remain in the condition of our family business, who are now and

forever drapers. To marry your daughters to good drapers,

send your sons to be drapers in other towns of France furnished

with these wise precepts, and to bring them up to the

honour of drapery, and without leaving any dream of ambition

in their minds. A draper like a Tournebouche should be

their glory, their arms, their name, their motto, their life.

Thus by being always drapers, they will be always

Tournebouches, and rub on like the good little insects, who

once lodged in the beam, made their dens, and go on with

security to the end of their ball of thread.

Fifthly never to speak any other language than that of drapery, and never to

dispute concerning religion or government. And even though

the government of the state, the province, religion, and God

turn about, or have a fancy to go to the right or to the left,

always in your quality of Tournebouche, stick to your cloth.

Thus unnoticed by the others of the town, the Tournebouches

will live in peace with their little Tournebouches—paying

the tithes and taxes, and all that they are required by force to

give, be it to God, or to the king, to the town of to the

parish, with all of whom it is unwise to struggle. Also it is

necessary to keep the patrimonial treasure, to have peace and

to buy peace, never to owe anything, to have corn in the

house, and enjoy yourselves with the doors and windows


"By this means none will take from the Tournebouches,

neither the state, nor the Church, nor the Lords, to whom

should the case be that force is employed, you will lend a few

crowns without cherishing the idea of ever seeing him again—

I mean the crowns.

"Thus, in all seasons people will love the Tournebouches,

will mock the Tournebouches as poor people—as the slow

Tournebouches, as Tournebouches of no understanding. Let

the know-nothings say on. The Tournebouches will neither

be burned nor hanged, to the advantage of King or Church,

or other people; and the wise Tournebouches will have secretly

money in their pockets, and joy in their houses, hidden

from all.

"Now, my dear son, follow this the counsel of a modest

and middle-class life. Maintain this in thy family as a county

charter; and when you die, let your successor maintain it as

the sacred gospel of the Tournebouches, until God wills it

that there be no longer Tournebouches in this world."

*This letter has been found at the time of the inventory

made in the house of Francois Tournebouche, lord of Veretz,

chancellor to Monseigneur the Dauphin, and condemned at

the time of the rebellion of the said lord against the King to

lose his head, and have all his goods confiscated by order of

the Parliament of Paris. The said letter has been handed to

the Governor of Touraine as an historical curiosity, and joined

to the pieces of the process in the archbishopric of Tours.

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